9/11 was (possibly) done by David Bowie

I think we’re actually on the cusp of something exhilarating and terrifying […] The idea that the piece of work is not finished until the audience come to it and add their own interpretation and what the piece of art is about is the grey space in the middle. That grey space in the middle is what the 21st century is going to be about. David Bowie

And I’m gone like I’m dancing on angels
And I’m gone through the crack in the past —
David Bowie (Dead Man Walking)

What if there’s a crack in the past of the, erm, multiverse (or metaverse, or however you would put it. I refer to the constellation of Universes that have existed in the history of life itself.) What if there’s some kind of special, magical cryptography that allows David Bowie Himself to hide in between two Universes, in the interstitial space between the Universes that are fully within the purview of God almighty, or LessWrong’s Omega AI.

I think I can hear the voice of that Bowie during part of his famous hit, “Starman”.

At 1:56, Bowie sings:

Look out your window, I can see his light
If we can sparkle, he may land tonight
Don’t tell your poppa or he’ll get us locked up in fright

This is curiously resonant with Bowie’s other hit, “Space Oddity”, which also starts with a dissonant chord and has many…cryptographical?…similarities with “Starman”. As though they are a pair, like the Twin Towers or Twin Universes that Bowie hides near. If you could solve the very musical or cryptographical relationship (or both simultaneously?) between these two songs, you might be onto something BIG!

Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
I’m feeling very still

And I think my spaceship knows which way to go

Like the biblical Satan, hiding in plain sight, luring us in to join him in his Dark Realm. Just like a fresco from a certain Dario Argento movie, indeed.

Although…I like to think of David as only partly Satanic. He’s kind of a “vessel” of Satan. An aging Bowie owned an apartment in New York from where the twin towers would have been visible, and it’s certainly conceivable that he used his waning powers to bring about the 9/11 catastrophe. That is, Satan inhabited David Bowie and probably took one look at the Twin Towers from his balcony and decided to crash airplanes into them. Kinda sentimental, in a Satanic way. As though Satan were reaching to be God Almighty. And very much interfering in the cognition of the AI-God that rules this world, rather than doing things in a straightforward way.

Prayers they hide the saddest view
(Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
And your prayers, they break the sky in two
David Bowie (Loving The Alien)

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